20 Research Ideas For An Accounting Dissertation

The process of keeping a record of financial amounts is known as accounting. Accounting is a broad field and there are a lot of areas of accounting. The main accounting areas are financial accounting, managerial accounting, cost accounting, tax accounting, government accounting and much more. If you want to get an accounting degree at the university level, then you will have to write a dissertation. The first step to write an accounting dissertation is to select an intriguing and interesting research idea. If you are not able to find out an intriguing and interesting research idea for your accounting dissertation, then you can get a list of the best accounting research ideas from expert writers of the dissertation writing services. Anyhow, some important research ideas for an accounting dissertation are given below;

  • Take a careful analysis of all the financial accounting tools that are helpful to monitor the liquidity level
  • What is Asset liability management? Take an overview of Asset liability management in the UK
  • What are the role of management accounting and financial accounting in the unit of a textile factory
  • Write a note on all the ethical finance and accounting issues
  • What are the stock performance and CEO qualities? What is the comparison between stock performance and CEO qualities
  • What is the difference between risk-based auditing and traditional auditing
  • How tax is exempted from non-profitable organizations
  • What are the possible impacts of the SME in the taxing policies of the developing countries
  • What is the relationship between taxation and human rights policy
  • What are the possible limitations of accounting in the E-Commerce field?
  • What are Accounting Information Systems and discuss these systems in the developing countries
  • What are global accounting information systems and what are the possible impacts of cloud computing and data management on these systems?
  • What is the credit crisis and take an overview of these credit crisis on the basis of financial firms
  • Write a note on emerging economies and the role of modern economics on it
  • What are the possible impacts of accounting information on the cost of capital of a particular firm
  • What are the possible issues and challenges that are relevant to the environmental accounting measurement of a firm
  • What are the possible factors that can become a cause of success for the microfinance firms and institutions
  • How financial innovations occur in the different countries of Europe and Africa
  • What are the SMEs and what are the possible impacts of micro-finance on these SMEs
  • What are the possible ways of risk in the banking sector and what are the best ways to calculate that risk in the banking sector
  • These are some essential topic ideas for an accounting dissertation. You should also try to find such an interesting and intriguing topic idea for your dissertation. After selecting such an intriguing topic idea, it will be easy for you to create a monument for your dissertation. On the other hand, if you are not able to select an interesting dissertation topic idea, then to write a dissertation will become a headache for you.